Important tips
- Have your account number and User ID ready with you.
- Once you've entered your URN you will be able to choose a new internet banking password.
- Your latest mobile number/email id should be registered for this service. To update your mobile number/email id call us on 0344 412 4444 (Calls to this number use free plan minutes if available, otherwise they cost the same as 01/02 prefix calls).
Step 1 - Generate your URN
Click here to generate your unique reference number (URN). We'll text the URN to your registered mobile phone number (You should recieve this within an hour). |
Step 2 - Re-issue your password
When You recieve your URN, Return to this page and Click here to re-issue your password. |
Step 3
Visit www.icicibank.co.uk and you can login using your new internet banking password. |
Please Note: |
- To recieve your URN we will need to hold your correct mobile number.
- If you do not have a mobile, or do not want to choose your internet banking password online then call us on 0344 412 4444 (Calls to this number use free plan minutes if available, otherwise they cost the same as 01/02 prefix calls). We'll send your new password by post within seven working days.