Step 1: Please enter the following details to generate your URN:
Internet banking user ID:
ICICI Bank account number:
Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY):
Your new URN has been sent to your registered mobile number and valid for 24 hours from the time request was placed.
Step 2: Enter Unique Reference Number (URN):
Please Note:
Have your account number and User ID ready with you.
To receive your URN we will need to hold your correct mobile number, your latest mobile number should be registered for this service.
To update your mobile number or if you want us to send physical password by post within seven working days, call us on 0344 412 4444 (Calls to this number use free plan minutes if available, otherwise they cost the same as 01/02 prefix calls).
Once you've entered your URN you will be able to choose a new internet banking password.
You will not be able to generate a URN again if:
You have already generated a URN within the last 24 hours or attempted to generate a URN thrice in last 24 hours.
Your Mobile Number is not registered with us or your Account is either inactive/ dormant/ closed.
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